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Why Choose Us

Our Team

We are truly grateful to have a team of amazing people, who are committed to excellence and show it every day in their work. The team at Benard + Associates has the individual and collective knowledge, experience and expertise to provide a blend of services that is truly unparalleled in the industry. In addition to being highly skilled investigators and mediators, our entire team is educated in trauma-Informed practice, mental health first aid, and diversity - equity - inclusion principles and practice.

Dean Benard

Dean’s career is a mosaic of service, leadership, and innovation. With a professional journey spanning nearly three decades, he has become a bedrock in the fields of investigations and mediation, earning accolades across North America for his investigative prowess and significant contributions to professional regulation. Recognized for his equally dynamic contributions in workplace investigations and conflict mediation, Dean is one of the go-to experts for complex and high-profile cases. His knack for navigating the intricate dynamics of regulatory and working environments has cemented his status as a master problem-solver. More than his expertise, it’s Dean’s dedication to mentorship and education that sets him apart. He has cultivated a trove of wisdom, which he disseminates through leading his team, as well as delivering extensive workshops and seminars on everything from harassment prevention to communication finesse. Dean’s commitment to fostering growth in his field is palpable in his creative educational endeavours. He’s authored a book on the essentials of investigation, produced a wealth of resources on the Benard + Associates YouTube channel, and launched the ‘We’ve Seen a Thing or Two’ Podcast, a platform amplifying the voices and insights of fellow experts. Before founding Benard + Associates in 2004, Dean’s eclectic background as a Registered Nurse, Police Officer, and Manager of Investigations provided a unique perspective that he brings to his current roles. His academic credentials are equally impressive, with a tapestry of degrees and certificates from esteemed institutions, underscoring his lifelong pursuit of knowledge and excellence in his field.

Brenda Benard

Brenda is the role model of successful professional evolution and standout achievement, a testament to her belief in constant self-improvement and excellence. Her journey, which began as a dental assistant, has showcased a remarkable career trajectory, illustrating her innate ability to adapt and excel in diverse roles. This versatility laid the groundwork for her bold venture into policing, where her analytical prowess, keen judgment, and remarkable communication skills were utilized and further developed. Following a period of work in the insurance investigations sector, Brenda made another bold move to join the team at Benard + Associates. This marked a new chapter in her already impressive career, and she made an immediate impact in her dual roles as a regulatory and workplace investigator, demonstrating not just her investigative expertise but also her capacity to handle complex and nuanced cases. Her contribution to the organization is both profound and wide-reaching. Brenda is well known among our client base and beyond for her ability to efficiently and accurately complete 360-degree reviews on leadership. This endeavor highlights her commitment to thorough analysis and her skill in evaluating and enhancing leadership qualities, further cementing her role as a mentor and guide within our organization. The lasting impact of Brenda’s work is evident in the strong impressions she has left on those she dealt with. In many instances clients, or legal counsel who encountered her years ago continue to seek out her expertise, a powerful endorsement of the lasting positive impression she creates through her exceptional work. As the Vice President of Benard + Associates, Brenda’s influence extends beyond case work. She is integral to the operational management, client relations, and strategic direction of the organization. Her ability to nurture client relationships, combined with her strategic vision, ensures that the organization not only meets but exceeds expectations in delivering high-quality services. Brenda’s multifaceted career, marked by commendations and a track record of transformative outcomes, positions her as a paragon of excellence and a true asset to Benard + Associates. Her career journey is a narrative of relentless growth, adaptability, and outstanding achievement, making her a distinguished figure in her field.

Stefanie Blacker

Stefanie is the embodiment of precision and global expertise at Benard + Associates, where she applies her sharp analytical skills to navigate the complexities of regulatory investigations. Her professional journey spans across continents, having honed her investigative acumen as a Senior Case Investigation Officer for the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the UK. There, she tackled diverse challenges ranging from professional misconduct and criminal cases to health-related and competency issues, and also played a key role in mentoring her junior colleagues. As the Director of Regulatory Solutions, Stefanie’s day is a masterclass in leadership and efficiency. She not only orchestrates the daily operations of the regulatory investigators but also stands as the principal liaison for our regulatory clients. Her guidance is invaluable, ensuring that policies and procedures are not just current but also tailored to the unique demands of each client. Despite her demanding role, Stefanie’s commitment to her craft is evident in her management of a personal caseload of investigations. Her academic credentials are as impressive as her professional ones, boasting a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Geography and English from Wilfrid Laurier University, a Master of Science from the University of Edinburgh, and a specialized Investigative Practice qualification from Queen Margaret University, Scotland. Stefanie’s blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience is a cornerstone of her success and a tremendous asset to our clients and team.

Paul Nicholson

Paul is a seasoned HR strategist whose expertise spans the diverse terrains of manufacturing, logistics, sports events, and the non-profit realm. He is a staunch advocate for crafting conflict resolution strategies that resonate with the distinct culture of each organization. His hands-on approach has successfully navigated and resolved conflicts in a multitude of workplace settings, both unionized and non-union. Celebrated for his contributions to enhancing employee relations, policy innovation, and strategic human resource initiatives, Paul’s insights have been instrumental in shaping organizational dynamics. As the Director of Workplace Solutions, he is the architect of the workplace services sector, offering guidance to clients and serving as a pivotal figure for workplace investigators. Beyond his leadership duties, Paul’s own portfolio is a testament to his versatility, managing investigations, mediations, and human resources consulting assignments. His investigative finesse has shed light on complex issues like harassment, workplace safety, hostile environments, and theft. Paul’s role in large-scale projects and his adept navigation through turbulent organizational waters have not only satisfied but delighted our clients. His unique amalgamation of HR knowledge, investigative precision, and mediation prowess has consistently delivered constructive and favourable results. Holding a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto, a Graduate Certificate in HR Management from Sheridan College, and a Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution also from the University of Toronto, his academic foundation is solid. His professional credentials are further augmented by the Q.Med designation from the ADR Institute of Ontario, and the Workplace Fairness Analyst designation, making him a distinguished figure in the field of human resources and conflict resolution.

Ziggy Bardel

Ziggy’s journey in the investigative arena is marked by over fourteen years of unwavering dedication and skill. His roots as a private and insurance investigator have equipped him with a profound depth of experience that he brought to Benard + Associates in 2015. In the realm of regulatory investigations, Ziggy has become a trusted name, often specifically requested for his unparalleled expertise in unraveling the most intricate cases. What sets Ziggy apart is his meticulous attention to detail and his relentless pursuit of the necessary information, no matter how elusive. In addition to his exceptional investigative work, he is an obvious and constant pillar of support and wisdom for both his team and a diverse clientele. Ziggy’s knack for navigating complex investigative waters has earned him the heartfelt appreciation of his colleagues. He is renowned for his readiness to assist, embodying the spirit of teamwork and resourcefulness. Ziggy is often hailed as the ‘go-to’ person for any challenge that arises, a testament to his can-do attitude and the confidence he inspires in others. His educational background is as robust as his professional endeavors. He earned his investigative stripes with a diploma in public and private investigations from the Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. Further sharpening his analytical skills, he holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto, with a major in Criminology. Continuing to broaden his expertise, Ziggy has pursued courses through the Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) Program, adding another layer of specialization to his already impressive skill set. With each passing year, his reputation for getting things done only grows, solidifying his status as an invaluable asset to our team and clients alike.

Lauren DeVriese

Lauren’s career in private investigations is a narrative of expertise, versatility, and leadership. With over 15 years under her belt, she has refined her craft in the art of finding people of interest, mastering background checks, and peering into the operations of corporations with a keen eye. Her tenure as a senior investigator is distinguished by her adept investigative prowess as she has conducting undercover and surveillance operations that are as discreet as they are effective, ensuring clients receive the crucial information they seek. Lauren’s contributions to regulatory investigations are nothing short of prolific. With a multitude of successful investigations in all aspects of regulatory matters, she remains a steadfast pillar of support for our clients. Often our clients are amazed at her ability to find and share critical information in a matter of hours. Lauren has also contributed significantly to the internal skills at Benard + Associates. She created a learning manual for key investigative steps in open source intelligence efforts, and methodologies for locating people and obtaining background information. In doing so she increased the capacity and ability of all our investigators to learn and utilize methods that enhance their own work. Her contribution of her knowledge has further enhances our ability to meet our clients needs. Her academic journey began at Carleton University, where she graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice. She further honed her skills with a postgraduate certificate in Advanced Investigations and Enforcement, adding an academic rigor to her practical experience. Lauren’s multifaceted skill set makes her an invaluable member of the investigative community and a standout professional in her field.

Avon Giddings

Avon stands as a paragon of human resources expertise, with a storied career that traverses various sectors and the multifaceted layers of a multinational insurance conglomerate. His tenure includes pivotal roles within the senior echelons of a prominent employee benefits provider, where he has left indelible marks of leadership and strategic acumen. Celebrated for steering companies through the tumultuous seas of mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings, Avon has adeptly managed the delicate balance of maintaining essential talent and critical operational functions. His innovative approaches to change leadership have not only retained key employees but have also fostered environments where they thrive. Avon’s forte in conflict resolution and mediation is renowned, especially within the sphere of professional regulation. His strategies and expert mediation skills have earned him great praise across Canadian regulatory bodies, who frequently seek his expertise on complex complaints matters. His intervention work extends beyond the boardroom to the daily dynamics of workplace environments in both the public and private sectors. From resolving intricate team dynamics to addressing individual conflicts and harassment issues, Avon’s interventions are crafted with a rare blend of HR savvy, business management insight, and a deep understanding of employee relations. His educational portfolio is a testament to his commitment to continuous learning, boasting multiple university certificates in change leadership, financial acumen for managers, and alternative dispute resolution. In addition to his vital role at Benard + Associates, Avon’s leadership extends to his directorship on the board of a mutual property and casualty insurer, further solidifying his position as a thought leader and influencer in the realm of human resources and business strategy.

Tom Girling

As a 37-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police and achieving the rank of Superintendent, Tom brings unsurpassed patience, intellectual curiosity, and a deep understanding of the nuances of human nature when faced with conflict caused by external pressures and stress. After the OPP, Tom went on to be the Director of Investigations for OMVIC and the Manager of Investigations for Legal Aid Ontario. As the Principal of Eastwood Transformation Services Ltd. Tom established relationships with law enforcement agencies across Ontario, conducting workplace investigations, conflict mediation, restoration, and assessments. He has a vast amount of experience in mediation, investigations, intelligence, and leadership. Tom is a licensed Private Investigator, Qualified Mediator, Workplace Fairness Analyst and Certified Leadership Coach Practioner. He is a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario and the Council of Professional Investigators Ontario. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Council and Counterpoint – Counselling and Educational Cooperative. Tom is invested a Member in the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, is the recipient of the Queens Jubilee medal and the Long Service and Good Conduct medal.

Valerie Henderson

Valerie is a dynamo at Benard + Associates, infusing her work with a potent mix of analytical acumen, creative problem-solving, and stellar report-writing skills—a blend honed through rigorous academic pursuit and rich professional experience in regulation and education. Since joining Benard + Associates in 2019, Valerie has immersed herself in a broad spectrum of investigative matters, rapidly ascending to a level of proficiency where she is prepared for any case that comes our way. Her ability to manage complex issues with competence and finesse is not just a reflection of her natural talent but also of her dedication to continual growth and skill enhancement in investigative practices. Armed with a Bachelor of Science in Honours Bio-Medical Science from the University of Guelph, Valerie’s scientific training underpins her methodical approach to investigation—each hypothesis carefully considered, each conclusion drawn from a web of meticulously gathered facts. But Valerie doesn’t rest on her academic laurels; she is committed to lifelong learning, persistently augmenting her expertise through specialized investigation courses, and taking advantage of the in-house expertise of many of her Benard + Associates colleagues. This commitment to continuous education not only enriches her own capabilities but also fortifies the quality of service she provides to clients, making her an invaluable asset to the Benard + Associates team. With Valerie, clients rest assured that their matters are in the hands of a consummate professional who is as versatile as she is thorough.

Tracey Legary

Tracey is a seasoned professional who has dedicated over fourteen years to the field of professional regulation, carving out a distinguished role as both an investigator and a manager of professional conduct for one of Manitoba’s largest health regulators. Her expertise spans a wide spectrum of investigative areas, from assessing professional competence to addressing issues of impaired practice, abuse, drug diversion and tampering, and conduct unbecoming—a formidable list that underscores the depth of her experience. Her skill set is both diverse and specialized, a testament to her commitment to excellence and continuous professional development. Tracey holds certifications in mediation, which complements her role in resolving conflicts with tact and diplomacy. She is also a graduate of the National Certified Investigator/Inspector Training provided by the Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR). Tracey’s dedication to creating a safe and respectful workplace is evident in her certifications in psychological safety and Indigenous cultural safety training, reflecting her commitment to inclusivity and understanding in professional environments. Her educational background in health, with a Bachelor of Nursing from Athabasca University, provides a solid foundation for her work in health regulation, offering her a practitioner’s perspective on the complex issues she investigates.

Julie Meier

Julie’s journey in the world of investigations is marked by a distinguished 18-year career in law enforcement, culminating in the rank of Sergeant, a testament to her leadership and expertise. Her tenure as a police officer was characterized by her involvement in some of the most challenging and high-stakes domains of criminal investigation, including sexual assault cases, homicides, and other violent crimes. Her exceptional skills and contributions to criminal investigations were recognized not once, but twice, with her investigative teams receiving the prestigious Award of Excellence in Criminal Investigation in both 2015 and 2019. Julie’s innovative approach to investigative work, particularly in the area of warrant production, has been groundbreaking. Her efforts have not only been successful in specific cases but have also influenced broader investigative practices and search warrant applications throughout the Province, marking a significant shift in the field. Julie’s training portfolio is as extensive as it is specialized. She has received comprehensive training in a variety of interviewing techniques, encompassing trauma-informed approaches and the sensitive task of interviewing children and vulnerable individuals. This depth of training underpins her ability to handle complex and delicate situations with empathy and precision. In her current role, Julie adeptly handles both regulatory and workplace investigations for clients. Her seamless transition between these distinct areas of investigation speaks volumes about her adaptability, skill, and deep understanding of the investigative process. Academically, Julie’s achievements are equally impressive. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Guelph and graduated at the top of her class from the Ontario Police College, reflecting both her intellectual rigor and her commitment to excellence in her field. Julie’s combination of practical experience, specialized training, and academic accomplishments make her an invaluable asset to any investigative endeavour.

Manuel Rego

Manny Rego is an experienced thought leader in Strategic Human Resources, Leadership Development, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Executive Coaching and Learning and Development, and yes – workplace investigations. Manny is driven by working with people who care, which sounds simple but in the 25+ years working and leading in various HR functions, supporting the Financial Services Sector, he understands that caring about people is what makes or breaks a leader, the company, its culture, and the ability to attract and retain talent. Manny is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DEI has never been more important and our clients rely on Manny’s abilities in this area. Marginalized employees are tired of waiting for their opportunity, waiting to see themselves reflected. Companies can no longer wait to ensure their employees reflect their clients, and only those companies that truly take this to heart will thrive in the months and years to come. Manny has the expertise and passion to help our clients get it right. He brings this outstanding background to all the work he does. His wealth of knowledge and experience to his investigations and consulting work, makes him a sought after associate by our clients. A graduate from the University of Waterloo, Manny holds an honours degree in Sociology/Legal Studies and a degree in History. He holds various certifications in psychometric assessments including Emotional Intelligence (EQi, and EQi 360) as well as Myers Briggs. Manny is a recent east coast transplant who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with his partner of 13 years.

Madelyn Robbins

Madelyn is a dynamic force behind many of our business development endeavours. While she is a part time contributor, she has played an indispensable role in enhancing our communications in areas such as marketing, client relations management, and educational program development. Her talents extend to the creative sphere, where she plays a critical role in developing marketing materials and blending aesthetic appeal with effective communication strategies. Perhaps most notably, Madelyn’s contribution to our educational programs is exceptional. She is instrumental in the design and development of learning materials, infusing them with innovative ideas and practical insights that enhance the learning experience for participants. As we embark on a transition to online education programs, she will be a key contributor from both a design and technology standpoint. As mentioned, she is part time at Benard + Associates, and this is because she is a full time professional soccer player in Europe. When she isn’t on the field helping her team to victory, she applies her creative talents to our work. Madelyn’s educational background is also impressive, with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management specializing in Human Resources and a Master of Business Administration in Leadership & Managing Innovation, both from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Madelyn’s combination of educational excellence coupled with her grounding in team collaboration makes her an invaluable asset in driving our business forward and ensuring our clients receive top-notch service and support.

Miri Teich

Miri is an international mediator whose expertise is rooted in a profound understanding of public policy and human rights. Her career is marked by significant contributions to community and consensus-building, having collaborated with governments and NGOs to foster understanding and resolve conflicts at the grassroots level. Her work extends beyond borders, as evidenced by her recent involvement in interviewing and assisting victims of terror and mass crime abroad. This sensitive and impactful work provided crucial support to those navigating the complexities of conflict with service institutions, culminating in a published paper with the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime. This accomplishment not only highlights Miri’s dedication to her field but also her ability to translate real-world experiences into influential academic contributions. Miri’s approach to mediation and conflict resolution is deeply rooted in narrative and identity-focused methods. She specializes in conflict transformation, prioritizing the restoration of individuals’ unique needs and narratives to cultivate resilience that endures long after the resolution process. This emphasis on the individual experience is a testament to her empathetic and human-centric approach to mediation. In addition to her specialization, Miri is skilled in group facilitation and community mediation, demonstrating her versatility and ability to adapt to various mediation contexts. Her experience in working with cross-cultural parties and navigating complex issues of gender and race further underscores her competence in handling diverse and sensitive scenarios. Miri’s academic background is as rich as her professional one. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Religion from the University of British Columbia, reflecting her deep interest in diverse cultural and spiritual narratives. Furthering her academic pursuit, she earned a Master of Arts (magna cum laude) in Public Policy, Conflict Resolution, and Mediation from Tel Aviv University, an achievement that solidifies her expertise in her field. As a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario, Miri continues to be an active and influential figure in the world of mediation and conflict resolution, bringing her unique blend of empathy, academic insight, and practical experience to every challenge she undertakes.

Sophia Tucker

Sophia’s professional journey is a remarkable blend of healthcare expertise and investigative acumen. As a Registered Practical Nurse with experience in managing a team of nurses, she honed her skills in gathering and analyzing essential information to make informed decisions about clients’ abilities to return to work following injuries, while balancing empathy with analytical precision. This role and experience prepared her well for the transition to the realm of regulatory investigations. Since joining Benard + Associates in 2020, she has completed hundreds of cases, demonstrating not only her adaptability but also her innate investigative talent. Her exceptional proficiency in background investigations and locating people of interest has made her a standout investigator in every aspect of investigations she enters. Sophia has adeptly utilized open-source intelligence to enhance our investigative processes and add yet another layer to the many aspects of her work. In this area she has been instrumental in assisting clients and her fellow investigators, highlighting her innovative approach and her ability to leverage technology in her work. Sophia’s educational background lays a solid foundation for her diverse skill set. She holds a practical nursing diploma and a certificate in general arts and sciences, both from Conestoga College, as well as several specialized investigation courses since joining the team. Sophia’s blend of healthcare knowledge, investigative prowess, and her innovative use of technology and open-source intelligence make her an invaluable asset to her team and clients alike.

Industries We Work With

Professional Regulators

Professional Regulators

Healthcare Institutions

Healthcare Institutions

Law Firms

Law Firms

Educational Institutions

Educational Institutions

Municipal and Provincial Governments

Municipal and Provincial Governments



Service Industries

Service Industries

Utility Companies

Utility Companies

Law Enforcement Agencies

Law Enforcement Agencies